Plahn Group Integrates With Top Treatment Facilities and Professionals
Plahn Group consultants work with an array of facilities and professionals to find individualized solutions for our clients’ issues. All treatment suggestions are incorporated into a continuously updated Blueprint for Lasting Recovery that evolves at various phases of the Plahn Method. We do whatever is needed to assist our clients to overcome the challenges that occur as a result of behavioral health conditions.
What Happens During Primary Stabilization?
When work begins with Plahn Group, initial intake information about the afflicted individual and concerned family members is gathered through the eyes of a concerned loved one. A team of Plahn Group consultants then collaborates to form initial recovery blueprints that include primary treatment resources recommendations. Most afflicted individuals are first referred to in-patient treatment, a residential level of care.
Concerned family members are typically referred to carefully selected workshops, family intensives, and/or recovery resource professionals. At times, a concerned family member may need a higher level of care.
Specialty workshops and Intensives are facilitated by Plahn Group consultants and are a key component of a family’s recovery blueprint. In some cases, focused workshops or individual intensives at treatment centers are also recommended to address more specific issues that warrant help, such as co-dependency.
What Happens During Secondary Stabilization?
Following primary stabilization, all newly recovering Plahn Group clients will receive a recommendation for appropriate secondary stabilization. The Plahn Group team works closely with the clinical team from primary stabilization to ensure that the afflicted individual receives the necessary type and level of help in each area of an integrative continuing care program. Suggested next steps can vary from a second residential treatment to various levels of out-patient treatment and/or scheduled visits with a combination of recovery resource professionals who work in private practice.
Transitional residences are designed to support recovering individuals as they transition from a higher level of care into more of a "real world" environment. Regardless of whether someone has a home or a place to return, these residences are designed to create a higher level of stability during continuing care.
Adjuvant and long-term recovery resources are suggested for targeted therapy or support. Plahn Group strives to do whatever is needed for the individual and the entire family to be highly successful. Whether commonly used approaches or alternative therapies, our consultants will work with our recovery resource network to personally vet promising recovery resources and verify they are appropriate and necessary.
Treatment Facilities and Resources
At Plahn Group, we simplify treatment facilities and recovery resources for the afflicted individual and concerned family members into two categories —
Primary and Secondary.
In-Patient Treatment
- Acute Medical Care
- In-Patient Detox
- In-Patient Psychiatric Care
- Residential Treatment (for specific behavioral health conditions)
Specialty Workshops and Intensives
- Family Intensives
- Individual Intensives
- Focused Workshops
Out-Patient Treatment
- Partial Hospitalization Program (with boarding)
- Partial Hospitalization Program (without boarding)
- Intensive Out-Patient Program
- Routine Out-Patient Groups (weekly or bi-weekly programs)
- Out-Patient Therapy Sessions
Transitional Residences
- Sober Living Residences
- Transitional Living
- Therapeutic Residences
Adjuvant and Long-Term Recovery Resources
- Psychiatrist
- Addictionologist
- Specialty Physician
- Pain Management Physician
- Medical Consultant
- Psychologist or Primary Therapist (individual, couples, family)
- Trauma Therapist
- Specialty Therapist (neurofeedback, biofeedback, hypnotherapy)
- Fitness Expert & Corrective Exercise Specialist
- Massage Therapist
- Acupuncturist
- Nutrition Consultant
- Time Management Consultant
- Stress Management Consultant
- Spiritual Mentor
- Meditation Consultant
- Wealth Consultant
- Career Consultant
- Life Coach
Help is Waiting.
Contact us now to learn more about how Plahn Group can help you and your family achieve lasting recovery from addiction, alcoholism, and/or behavioral health disorders.
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"I am a physician and would consider myself a discerning client; I cannot emphasize how special this company is to my daughter, my family and me. Plahn Group, its founder Michael Plahn, and our recovery team are truly experts, and some of the finest individuals I have ever known. Plahn Group has developed and perfected what I believe is the solution for addiction and behavioral health issues for the whole family. If you have the need, I encourage you to engage Plahn Group immediately and without reservation; our work with them, was the best investment I have ever made for my family."
-Peter (father of afflicted individual)